July 21, 2020




Submitting to Government & Law

Question details

What is the Christian's obligation to be submissive to government law, and how far that goes-particularly relative to the verse about buying a sword? Topical article suggested; The Christian and Forcible Resistance. [Luke 22:36, Acts, Matthew 5:39].





Advice for Marriage and Raising Children

Question details

Since you have some unique and extensive experience in marriage and raising children, what can you advise me? Recommendation at website under topical lectures; "How to Love your Wife as Christ Loved the Church" [Proverbs 22:6, Proverbs 15:1, Ephesians 5:25]



Soul Sleep

Question details

How do we differentiate between the way other religions talk about spirit life, if we, as Christians, believe that we go to heaven to live after death instead of into a soul sleep?